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Streets FAQ

If the damage was done by trees or vegetation on private property, the property owner is responsible for the repairs. However, if the city is notified of a tripping hazard a crew will be dispatched to place a temporary patch on the broken or raised concrete until the repairs can be made.

The City of Riverside is responsible for the repairs if the damage was done by city trees or landscaping. Please contact the 311 Call Center to verify ownership and to report any hazardous conditions.

Anyone residing in, working in or traveling through the City of Riverside may report damaged concrete by contacting the 311 Call Center

Any damage to concrete that can lead to physical damage to a person or to property is considered to be an emergency. Street Services staff will immediately be dispatched to emergency issues involving concrete to assess the hazard.

Public Works Division staff will be immediately dispatched to assess the issue. The Public Works Division staff will decide what steps need to be taken to mitigate the problem. If the damage is not an emergency, an inspection will generally be scheduled within 1-3 business days. Once the location is assessed, staff will record the location, size, and description of the damage, regardless of whether the damage is routine or an emergency. If rehabilitation of the street is necessary, the street is added to a list of rehabilitation work.

If the property owner is responsible for the damage, the streets division staff will notify the property owner and will discuss any available options.

If the City of Riverside is responsible for the damage, the location is added to a list of concrete work to be completed by Public Works Concrete Crews.

Contact the 311 Call Center and report your concern. A Street Services Supervisor will be dispatched to assess the damage and mitigate any existing traffic hazard. Depending on the size and severity of the damage, the street may be added to a list for rehabilitation by a city approved contractor or scheduled for repair by the paving crew.

Generally, the City of Riverside does not pave alleys. However, under special circumstances the Public Works Engineering Division may request an alley to be paved. But, both property owners share responsibility of the alley adjacent to the their home.

Contact the 311 Call Center and report your concern. A Street Services crew or Supervisor will be dispatched to assess the damage and to mitigate it as needed.

Contact the 311 Call Center to report street problems.

Details Help!

Water bubbling out of the street is probably a water line.

Water from a manhole could be a sewer issue.

Precise information about the location of the damage is required for the crews to locate the problem. "On Van Buren near Jurupa" is often not enough information to actually locate the problem being called in.

Adding estimated distance and direction or landmarks such as "on Van Buren next to the golf course, five to ten feet from Jurupa" will assist the crews to properly identify a location. We may ask if there are certain odors present, how deep the hole is and its general size/shape. Providing this information can help get the problem corrected sooner.

Nothing. People often refer to any damage sustained by a street as a "pothole" or as a "hole in the street". When reporting a problem, describe the damage as accurately as possible so the Street Division can properly respond to the situation. A pothole in the street (missing asphalt) may cause traffic hazard conditions or undermine the stability of the ground, while alligator cracks (broken asphalt) may cause an uncomfortable ride but is not a hazard.

Public Works Division staff will be immediately dispatched to assess the issue. The Public Works Division staff will decide what steps need to be taken to mitigate the problem. If the damage is not an emergency, an inspection will be scheduled within 1-3 business days. Once the location is assessed, staff will record the location, size, and description of the damage, regardless of whether the damage is routine or an emergency. If rehabilitation of the street is necessary, the street is added to a list of rehabilitation work.

Patching of potholes is prioritized on the severity of the problem and the amount of traffic the area is likely to experience. Public Works Division staff will determine the appropriate steps that will be taken to mitigate the problem. All non-emergency potholes generally will be assessed within 1-3 business days once reported. Stormy weather requires all crews to assist with storm related issues which may require a longer repair time for reported potholes.

To extend the life of existing pavement and to protect the under-surface from water seepage, Public Works will apply a sealant to the surface of the street. The sealant is called a "slurry seal". Slurry sealing is the most versatile and cost-effective way to preserve and protect city streets.

The length of time the slurry seal has to "cure" depends on the temperature and moisture of the air. Dry hot summer days can cure the sealant in as little as three hours. Cooler days can take the sealant as long as four hours to cure. Driving on tacky or uncured sealant can cause damage to the vehicle and to the street surface. Please follow any caution signs regarding street repairs.

Banners, balloons, streamers, placards, pennants or portable signs are prohibited except for Grand Opening banners placed within thirty days of a new business opening. For more information regarding this type of advertising, contact the Planning Department at (951) 826-5371.

Banners, balloons, streamers, placards, pennants or portable signs are prohibited except for Grand Opening banners placed within thirty days of a new business opening. For more information regarding this type of advertising, contact the Planning Department at (951) 826-5371.

For banners to be hung from pole to pole over a street, contact the Special Events Permit Desk at (951) 826-5193 for information and/or permit.

No. The city can only install and maintain "No Dumping" signs on city property. No permit is required for an owner to install a "No Dumping" sign on private property. Illegal dumping is a violation of the city Municipal Code.

Yes. Contact the 311 Call Center to request a sign. A supervisor will inspect the location to verify ownership and appropriateness before a sign will be installed.

If debris is currently at the location, please inform the Call Center Customer Service Representative so a cleanup crew can be dispatched. A supervisor or crew will be sent to verify property ownership and to mitigate any debris on city property.

View municipal code.

Traffic sign and speed hump installation is part of the Neighborhood Traffic Management PlanPlease contact the 311 Call Center to request any new traffic control measures. They will provide the information to Traffic Engineering for review and consideration.

Please visit the Traffic section for additional information on neighborhood traffic management.

No. The city does not maintain signs on private property, state, federal or county property, Cal-Trans property (freeways and freeway exits), railroad rights-of-way or schools.

For signs on railroad rights-of-way, contact Burlington, BNSF or Union Pacific. For signs on schools, contact the school district responsible for the school.

Contact the 311 Call Center to request sign maintenance on city property or to report any city property traffic control signage concerns.

A missing, damaged, turned or illegible stop sign is considered to be an emergency and crews are dispatched immediately for appropriate action.

All other traffic control signs are considered to be routine maintenance.

If you believe a specific location is a hazard, please contact the 311 Call Center to report your concerns. Larger repairs may be contracted out by the City of Riverside to expedite the repair. All repairs are scheduled to be completed in order of their priority.

No. Residents are not allowed to paint their own curbs to restrict parking. Please refer to the Municipal Code noted above.

Contact the 311 Call Center to request a new parking restriction. The Traffic Engineering Division approves all parking restrictions on public streets based on established regulations. Parking restrictions may include permit requests, preferential parking, prohibition of parking or time limited parking. Traffic Engineering approves and installs all new parking restriction on public streets.

The contractor and the inspector are responsible for making sure all signs and painting are replaced when the job is completed. Please contact the 311 Call Center to report the missing restriction markings. In order to send the information to the correct Division, it will be necessary to tell the Call Center when the work was done. Example: “Last month the expansion of my street was completed, but my curb was not repainted.”

Contact the 311 Call Center to report overgrown grass, weeds, bushes, shrubs or trees. Please be prepared to give specific information on the location of the problem so the information can be given to the correct Department/Division.

Typically the property owner is responsible for weeds in these locations. Weeds growing on the sidewalk or in the right-of-way between the sidewalk and the curb are the property owner's responsibility. The responsibility is shared between the two owners at the end of the cul-de-sac with the division being the center.

For concerns about weeds on private property contact the 311 Call Center to request Code Enforcement Division action if necessary.

For weeds on state, federal or county property contact the appropriate agency to report the concerns. For weeds on Cal-Trans property contact Cal-Trans at (909) 383-4631. For weeds on railroad rights-of-way contact Burlington, BNSF or Union Pacific. For weeds on schools, contact the school district responsible for the school.

There are several reasons for the City conducting the Street Sweeping Program. Primarily, there are federal and local mandates, including the Federal Clean Water Act, which require that the City help prevent pollution from entering local waters.

Additionally, street sweeping benefits the community by collecting and removing debris (paper, leaves and other visible objects) that collect in the gutters. This debris can block storm water inlets, causing localized flooding during heavy rains that pollute the local water system. An equally important, but less visible benefit is the removal of metal particles, oil and other hazardous products left behind by passing and parked vehicles. Although virtually invisible, these particles can be extremely harmful to the environment.

The City currently sweeps 870 miles of streets. Street sweeping removes approximately 27 pounds per resident of debris annually from the streets and contaminants that would otherwise remain in the street and eventually end up in the ocean. For Fiscal Year 2009-10, 8 million tons of debris was removed.

Moving vehicles off a street scheduled for sweeping allows City crews to thoroughly clean the street from curb-to-curb. One parked car equals nearly three car lengths of space that can’t be swept because the street sweeping equipment must leave room to avoid it. This can result in debris building up on the roadway and entering the storm drain which can cause flooding during heavy rains and contribute to water pollution.

The City of Riverside provides street sweeping on public streets in neighborhoods on the 1st/3rd and 2nd/4th weeks of the month from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Additionally, regular street sweeping is completed on main thoroughfares throughout the City.

Please be aware of signs posted for parking.

No. Sweeping will resume on the next regular sweeping day.

Every vehicle needs to be removed from the street on street sweeping days from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the designated sweeping time. Parking in your driveway is most convenient. However, if your driveway is full, make arrangements with a neighbor, or check adjoining neighborhoods not scheduled for the same street sweeping day. You can also contact the 311 Call Center so that City staff can assist you with a possible solution. It is also important for you to remind any service providers at your home or business (gardener, pool cleaner, etc.) of the street sweeping schedule and that their vehicle cannot be parked on the street.

Citations are issued when your vehicle is not moved off the street on scheduled street sweeping days and time.

View municipal code.

Please contact the 311 Call Center for any parking citation questions.

No. Street sweeping with no curb and gutter can actually create more problems as the brushes pull the dirt and debris from the side of the street onto the asphalt.

Please contact the 311 Call Center to make a special request.  Special circumstances include the following:  funerals, parties, graduations or construction.  

The City's Street Sweeping Program is only part of the solution to water pollution and flood prevention. You can do your part by being aware of what you can do to help:

  • Do not overwater lawns, trees and vegetation. Overwatering your lawn can wash pesticides, fertilizers, motor oil and yard clippings into the gutter and storm drain where it heads straight to the ocean.
  • Avoid wet cleaning activities which can flush debris into the street and gutters. Utilize dry cleaning methods wherever possible and dispose of debris in an appropriate refuse container.
  • Do not sweep anything into the gutter or street. Blowing leaves and dirt into the gutter makes it difficult for the sweeping crews to clean the streets.
  • Rake leaves and either compost them or place them in the green can for recycling. For compost information, view the C.U.R.E. website (
  • Take advantage of the City's free curbside and drop off events throughout the year. For upcoming event information, view the C.U.R.E. website (
  • Remember to move your vehicle on sweeping days.
  • If you see an abandoned vehicle, contact the 311 Call Center to report it.
  • Make sure your vehicles are properly maintained. Clean up vehicle fluid leaks as quickly as possible.