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Storm Event Response

During storms, all crews are diverted to patrolling coordinated City routes to quickly resolve storm drain issues. Storm drain issues typically involve drains becoming blocked with debris such as mud, palm fronds, and debris from the streets flowing towards the storm drain.

Public Works Street Crews are assigned to patrol coordinated routes and respond to 311 Call Center and City Staff dispatched issues. Certain areas of the City require Public Works Street Crews to utilize heavy equipment to hold back mud flows and maintain proper drainage. Our efforts are to minimize any traffic congestion and hazards as a result of heavy rains. Storm cleanup usually continues from a day to several days after the rains have ceased.


Crews are dispatched to:

  • Remove mud, palm fronds and debris from the streets
  • Dip ditches in front of drains and culverts
  • Repair washed-out areas


How long will it take for storm damage to be repaired?

If you believe a specific location is a hazard, please contact the 311 Call Center to report your concerns. Larger repairs may be contracted out by the City of Riverside to expedite the repair. All repairs are scheduled to be completed in order of their priority.