Riverside Public Library
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

Toy Lending Library


Riverside Public Library is proud to present the Toys 2 Go toy lending library. As part of our vision statement we seek to “spark curiosity and provide tools for discovery.” Toys are a fantastic way to do this. Toys encourage play and play is an integral part of childhood. It affects social, cognitive, and physical development, plus it is super fun! The library has over 800 toys, games, and puzzles in eight categories: Active Play, Baby and Toddler, Building, Games and Puzzles, Learning Skills, Music, Pretend Play, and Special Needs.

The Toys 2 Go toy lending library is geared towards children from birth through age twelve, but certainly is not limited to just children for checkout. All eight locations have toys available. Two toys may be checked out on each library card. Checkout is for two weeks, but can be renewed up to three times. Toys can be found by looking at the library’s website or at each branch where a Look Book is located. Come play with us!