Riverside Today Shows
Title |
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Date |
Duration |
08/12/2010 |
New universal playground at Fairmount park, Solar powered trashcans, alternative fuel vehicle rebate program, upcoming fox theater shows, tour the wood streets, Star trek exhibit at the metropolitan showcase |
07/19/2010 |
Animal shelter, handicap parking enforcement, metal theft unit, neighborhood stabilization program and free sprinkler nozzle. |
06/17/2010 |
Columbia grade separation, RPD online services, Public utility rebates, City environment awards, Reverse 911.
06/10/2010 |
91/Van Buren interchange, Northwest PowerPipe, earthquake awareness, Mt. Rubidoux improvements and University research park.
04/02/2010 |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: Arlington Sports park,
fire fighter high rise training, budget reductions leads to higher efficiency, life arts building in downtown, Magnolia Grade separation, and the La Sierra Senior Center.
03/08/2010 |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: Fox, water award, Census commercial, Hunt Park and senior fitness..
03/01/2010 |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: Victoria Ave renovations,
RPD YouTube, Adult literacy, Riverside Live Steamers and 15 favorite things.
01/13/2010 |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: Downtown Mall completion
Operation safe parks, Go transit program, Downtown Arts and Utility assistance programs. |
12/09/2009 |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: Van Buren blvd. widening Project, White gates reservoir, Senior volunteer program and Remembering Johnny Sotelo. |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: Universal playground at Fairmount park, Rail safety enforcement program, Senior Housing project completion, Graffiti abatement program and Veterans oral history project. |
10/02/2009 |
This episode of Riverside Today covers: La Sierra 91 interchange, Code enforcement abandon homes, Boats in Fairmount, Building Museum Exhibits and Story times. |
09/04/2009 |
How the city of Riverside is utilizing Federal stimulus money, an update on the Jurupa grade separation project as well as Fox Theatre renovation. |
08/13/2009 |
00:28:53 |
Information on how the City's joint use facilities program works, a partnership tutoring program helping east side students as well as how the City's emergency services with help you cope with the summer time heat. Lastly, find out how to put money in your pocket with the City's rebate programs. |
07/01/2009 |
00:24:45 |
Opening Andulka park, latest improvements on University Ave, new modern look and accessibility approach at city libraries, visit several parks that are getting minor facelifts |
05/21/2009 |
00:24:21 |
Senior center at La Sierra park, Save money using the ShopRiverside card, Hike through wilderness park in town, Visit site where new Arlanza cybrary is being built |
04/29/2009 |
00:18:33 |
Bordwell childcare center, Arlanza Road Improvements, Neightborhood C.O.P. program, Harada House, Senior Apartments on Harrison Street, Mt. Rubidoux Improvements, Free Shade Tree |
04/03/2009 |
00:24:21 |
Green sustainable initiatives, Skate Park, Youth Court, Smithsonian Week, Youth Court, Edmund Jaeger, Beach Volleyball comes to Riverside |
03/18/2009 |
00:25:35 |
Renewable Energy Projects, Youth Opportunity Center, Riverside Airport Renovation, Met Moment: the Temperance Movement, Foreclosure Counseling |
01/27/2009 |
00:22:53 |
Grade Separation Projects Update, Fire Honor Guard, Heritage House, Shop Riverside Community Card |
01/06/2009 |
00:23:23 |
Bordwell Senior Center, City Recycling Programs, Fire & Police Dogs, Public Utilities Green Radio, GIS |
11/21/2008 |
00:27:51 |
Recycling Waste Water, Safe Disposal of Medications, Camp Anza, Playful City USA |
10/28/2008 |
00:19:12 |
Orange Terrace, Trees & Power Lines, Wastewater Plant Clean Power Alternatives, Alterternative Fuel Options, Library Reference Services |
09/26/2008 |
00:20:54 |
Arlanza Fitness Center, Homeland Security grant, transportation mini-bus, volunteers, downtown dining |
08/27/2008 |
00:22:57 |
Central Ave. improvements, Main Street Mall, utility crews, Smithsonian Institution, turf field, summer concert series |
07/24/2008 |
00:26:55 |
John North water treatment, energy conservation, RTA trolley, confined space rescue, playgrounds, organic food |
06/17/2008 |
00:23:23 |
Arlington Library, aviation unit, Cinco De Mayo, IE Tech Week, CURE, Riverside Ballet |
05/20/2008 |
00:23:23 |
Emergency Operations Center, Fox Theater, trees, dispatch, Bryant Park |
04/18/2008 |
00:28:59 |
Lincoln Police Station, Orange Terrace Park, Quilt Stories/Bear in Mind, America's Promise, SmartRiverside, bike trails |
04/08/2008 |
00:23:01 |
Fairmount Lake dredging, Black history parade/Grier Pavilion, Jurupa grade separation, Miss Riverside |
03/06/2008 |
00:28:51 |
Main Street improvements, Sports Park Victoria/Dufferin, Renaissance website, photovoltaic, sports fields night lights, Shop Riverside |
02/28/2008 |
00:24:30 |
Boardwell Senior Center, University A. improvements, USAR, Tyler mall expansion |
01/11/2008 |
00:26:13 |
Festival of Lights |
12/20/2007 |
00:28:33 |
Victoria Ave., Youth Opportunity Center, photovoltaic systems, Prime time/Half time, Central/Chicago improvements, Fire Expo |
10/31/2007 |
00:95:00 |
RCC aquatics complex, Reid park, Traffic management center, Santa Ana river trail, 911 assistance, Evergreen cemetery, CERT |
09/27/2007 |
00:77:00 |
La Sierra interchange, La Sierra Senior Center, Andulka Park, Arlington Library, Neighborhood policing, Nature Lab-Museum |
08/18/2007 |
00:40:00 |
Other City Videos
2009 State of the City Address by Mayor Loveridge |
01/22/2009 |
00:58:39 |
2008 State of the City Address by Mayor Loveridge |
04/08/2008 |
00:01:04 |
Fire Department Receives New Rappelling Equipment |
09/10/2007 |
00:01:17 |
Blaine Street Bridge Re-opens |
08/25/2007 |
00:02:43 |
Riverside Police Unveil T3 |
08/07/2007 |
00:02:59 |
Frank Miller Achievement Award |
07/12/2007 |
00:14:38 |
Giant Orange Art Venture |
07/12/2007 |
00:31:40 |
Arts Walk |
07/12/2007 |
00:30:41 |
The Hills of Riverside |
06/27/2007 |
00:08:39 |
Jurupa Ave. Underpass Groundbreaking |
05/17/2007 |
00:02:19 |
Fox Theater Open House |
05/03/2007 |
00:01:52 |
Downtown RTA trolley service |
05/01/2007 |
00:02:39 |
3rd Annual Multicultural Youth Festival |
04/29/2007 |
00:03:18 |
State of the City 2007 |
02/15/2007 |
01:01:00 |