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Riverside Police And Fire Departments To Assist In Upcoming Summer Stem Leaps Academy For Local High School Students

Published: 7/17/2018

RIVERSIDE, CA - This week, the Science and Technology Education Partnership (STEP) announced an interactive program that will immerse 120 Riverside high school students in the application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) in Law Enforcement and Public Safety (LEAPS). This program will provide intensive, hands-on STEM training through experiential learning. The program will focus on Police and Fire Department Careers during the week of July 23 – 27. Two groups of 60 pre- selected Students will spend the week with the Riverside Police Department, and the Riverside Fire Department. Members of the Police and Fire Department will provide instruction and hands-on training to students in various areas where STEM concepts are applied within public safety. At the completion of the week students will develop and present their innovative STEM LEAPS Projects during the design challenge competition.

  • The program curriculum will include:
  • Simulated detection and neutralization of bombs and hazardous materials
  • Application of scientific methods to manage, collect and analyze crime scene data including fingerprints and blood samples
  • Recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices
  • FEMA CERT, Certification in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search & rescue and disaster medical operations
  • Vehicle Extrication & Jaws of Life demonstration
  • Hazardous Materials Response and Mitigation
  • Construction and coding of robots
  • Developing mobile apps to assist in emergency situations
  • Crime scene forensic analysis
  • Developing a website for law enforcement and public safety
  • Arson/Fire Investigation
  • Paramedic & Critical Care Transport - American Medical Response (AMR)

“A major goal for the STEM LEAPS Learning Labs is that many more of our local students will graduate from college with STEM degrees and then be employed by the Riverside Police Department, Riverside Fire Department, and other local law enforcement and public safety organizations,” said Gordon Bourns, Chairman and CEO of Bourns, Inc.