Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

City of Riverside Volunteers in Action

Published: 02/19/2019

Parks, Recreation and Community Services

Volunteering gets you involved with more than just your next door neighbor or the people you grew up with, but people you may not see at your local grocery store or in your everyday life. It’s a great opportunity to meet people and start new relationships. It’s incredible to see the community we have here.
- Megan Well, a volunteer with the City of Riverside Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department




CERT Program

The CERT program has trained approximately 2,300 people. The volunteers here in the City of  Riverside are the best. We have a wide-variety of opportunities for our volunteers; I have some that love outreach events, some prefer working with shelters or even emergency incidents, and some that simply want to do paperwork.
-Gina Perez, Community Preparedness Coordinator, Riverside Fire Department




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