Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Zone

The Kaiser Permanente HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Zone Initiative is designed to help combat obesity by making healthy choices accessible to more people in underserved communities across Southern California. The Eastside HEAL Zone will empower residents to lead healthier lives through environmental changes that are sustained by policies and enhanced by education and promotion.


The Eastside HEAL Zone Initiative is a collaborative of members representing both public and private sectors, including county agencies, school district staff, community businesses, elected officials, park and community services staff, local health clinics and foundations-focused specifically on the Eastside neighborhood within the city of Riverside. Members are instrumental in planning, gathering and implementing our Community Action Plan strategies which address the following goals:
1. Reduce calorie consumption
2. Increase consumption of healthy foods and beverages (e.g., water), and
3. Increase physical activity.

Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department activities that are within the HEAL Zone are noted by the HEAL Zone logo next to the activity or program title in the PRCSD Activity Guide

For Information Contact:  (951) 826-2000