
UCR Orchestra and Concert Band

Sunday, December 5, 2021

UCR Concert Band and UCR Orchestra are back! We still can't quite invite our live audiences into our auditorium, but we're thrilled to be able to rehearse and record live, together and in-person, and we look forward to sharing our music with you. Please join us for a streamed program of our current repertory, just recorded at the University Theater, with live welcomes from both directors and players--and to welcome the Concert Band's new director, Armando Duenas, in his UCR debut.

Armando Duenas and the Concert Band present classics by Vaughan Williams, Alfred Reed and more contemporary composers featuring Chris Pilsner's Dum Spiro Spero (Latin for "While I breathe, I hope") conducted by Concert Band's student director, Jessica Fairfield. The Orchestra, conducted by Ruth Charloff, performs movements from Janacek's beautiful Idyll for strings, Gordan Jacob's rollicking Old Wine in New Bottles for winds, and the exuberant first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 8.

Register to attend: https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUofuyrrT4sGNSEafC6ygSCM_Y3GB6UXavO

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UCR Performing Arts