
Pan American Adaptive Judo Games

07/07/2024 - 8:00am to 5:00pm

This Historic Tournament is the FIRST Pan American Confederation (PJC) adaptive judo event ever. The tournament is for Adaptive (Special Needs) judo competitors for Levels 1-5. We will also debut Adaptive Kata. The Adaptive categories include players with disabilities such as ASD, Intellectual Disability, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, among others. This Tournament is USA Judo Sanctioned - Event License ID #00485

This is a FREE Tournament that allows ALL Adaptive Competitors from North, Central, and South America to participate. DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED but not mandatory. You can make a donation (anything helps) to the Riverside Youth Judo Club, Police Foundation (Square Site) at: https://riverside-police-foundation.square.site/product/riverside-youth-...

Contact Information

Riverside Youth Yudo